The thing I missed most about 140 characters is @colbertlateshow going "dot dot dot dot"... "dot dot dot" #stillstuckin140
There is still some lingering petrochemical smell in the air north east of Singapore
Nicely done #StarTrekDiscovery for dressing the starship culturally accurately :) by #wayangkulit on the starship…
Learning & understanding the Big O again. Some how it is better the 2nd time round. The order of magnitude and time are key #BigOnotation :)
How do you teach kids to be a positive rebel? There are many things wrong about falling in line without question.
Exercising is hard but very beneficial, see how Data #Analytics helps @Beachbody find new ways to keep you going…
Is your business ready? #BigData & #Cloud are driving dramatic transformations in 2017…
Get ready for another year of great #tech developments. Here is what's in store for #IaaS, IoT, #BigData, and cloud…
.@CxDaryn: #CustServ is the critical foundation of your #CX, don't rely on chatbots alone to solve the real problem…
Versatile, Physical, Passionate, Actor, Stunt/Action Choreographer and Action Director