RT @WileyUpdates: Wiley what makes you happy ? Travelling & Experiencing different culture's . I know my home is london but I like to see n…
RT @MNightShyamalan: Happy New Year to all!!
Первый. - Я зарегистрировался тут, наверное, года полтора-два назад, но только сейчас решил полноценно... http://t.co/G1iW3LgXmO
@halrudnick what is bad about The Village ending? It's one of the best endings ever.
Hate fucking hackers.
Bcuz ya na, most of the games nowadays require internet.
I've been telling for years, internet shouldn't be necessary for games. See, now #psn is down, and nobody can play most of the games.
@Konami you haven't released a good SH game since 2004, and now you have Kojima and fucking Del Toro making a sequel. What are you thinking?
@Konami stop fucking around with MGS, it's not your only series. If you don't treat SH fairly, at least sell the rights.
@Konami fucking hate you, you pricks, hope you rot in hell for this