Official Artist
Michael Kang
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Friday, August 08, 2008

Write Right

My good friend and amazing performer Scarlett Lam is offering a writing workshop for people who are interested in doing a solo show. Here are the deets:

Within YOU.

There is a STORY.

An Undiscovered Brilliance.

That is waiting to be TOLD.

WHO this is for: actors, writers and artists of all levels who want to discover their solo show, write their own monologues, uncover that scrīpt within, or just want to get those swirling words onto the paper and have fun doing it.

WHAT this is all about: an incredible 5-week, INTENSIVE workshop that will tap into your writer within, align with your inner-life, and discover the best way YOU can tell your story.  Each intensive will consist of free writing, reading of work, yoga, sense memory exploration, and ultimately… performance. 

WHEN the adventure begins: we meet every SATURDAY for 5 weeks starting AUGUST 16th, 23rd, (no class labor day wknd), SEPTEMBER 6th, 13th and 20th from 11am-5pm  (**invited guests only to a reading of your work on the evening of Sept. 20th)

WHERE the journey happens: at the Little Lotus Studio in Valley Village (an indoor/outdoor studio with chestnut trees and water fountains to guide you on your adventure!  It's practically a retreat…)

WHY I love to teach writing:  the first time I saw a spoken word piece on stage, I was mesmerized.  The first time I saw a solo show performed, I was paralyzed.  The first time I saw a documentary, I was hypnotized.  These stories have such a profound impact on me due to the autobiographical source.  So I started writing.  The first time I performed my solo show, I was exhilarated.  I believe whole-heartedly that we each have a bold and unique story to tell.  And I want to facilitate a process to discover, uncover, and help tell those stories.

HOW to join: the cost of the five-week intensive is $275.  ($25 discount for early registration before the 13th of August.)  To book your spot in class or if you have any questions, please call Scarlett @ 917.693.3137 or email: planetscarlett@gmail.com.

CONFIRM EARLY… only 8 spots total for the 5 week intensive to give each artist ample time to work.

Scarlett Lam has performed her stand-out solo show, WILD RICE, off-Broadway at the ONE festival in N.Y. ("the amazing genius of Lam can be seen here…. It's a shame this play can not grace the stage for a longer run"- broadwayworld.com) L.A., and universities.  She has degrees in both, Theatre and Journalism, from USC, and recently completed her yoga teacher training @ City Yoga in L.A..  Her credits include the premier production of The Joy Luck Club off-Broadway and in various TV/ FILM projects (Grey's Anatomy, Malcolm in the Middle, Law&Order, etc…).  Currently she is working on a project about her four-month journey through India.

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