Megan Berger
模特儿, 舞蹈家, 舞蹈指导
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New Promo

Hey Everyone!!!

Check out my new promo reel~


More soon...


接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Severe Life Update ; )

 Hey Everyone~

Hope you have all enjoyed your long holiday weekend!!! It's been forrrrrrrrrrrrrever!!! I'm trying to update my life, because it's been entirely too long since I've blogged~ Here are some more online places you can find me!!! Would love for you to join me in the worlds of YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook!!! 

Find me on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/user/meganbdancer?feature=mhsn

Also, follow me ...Read more

接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

So, it's been awhile....

Hey Everyone~ Where has September gone? As summer draws to an end, time seems to fly! I have been busy teaching dance during the week and have been working on some projects as of late. I choreographed and performed a special event for DOXA at the Intercontinental Hotel. We performed a Can-Can number as well as a Cane Dance. In the meantime, I just performed at Volume with Lady Lovely the other night and it was a blast. I'll have to keep you posted with the up and coming.... Hope everyone is doing fantastic!xoxo~Megan

15 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

The past week... Drop & E.V.E.N.T.

Hey Everyone, Last week flew by... During the week I was performing with the Caburlesque Girls at Drop which was amazing! It was a great show, you'll have to attend the next one if you weren't able to see this one! I also had a blast performing with Metro this weekend at the website launch! The Cavern was such a wonderful venue and it was so great to celebrate the 1 year anniversary with everyone. I hope you were able to make it out for the big bash. There were lots of talented artists sharing the stage. Hope yo...Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Thank you for your support....

Hello!  I just want to say thank you for making me feel so welcome here on AnD! I appreciate all of the support and am excited to be a part of this amazing community. I hope that everyone had an amazing holiday weekend for Easter and hope you have another wonderful weekend......~xoxo!Megan

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

The Beginning In Hong Kong...

Hello! I have enjoyed the move to Hong Kong and love the atmosphere. The opportunities for arts and entertainment are endless. There are nightly performances and it is great to be able to support fellow artists. I am excited to be here and look forward to future possibilities in the industry.Thank you for reading.....

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares



Hong Kong
March 23, 2009