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Marie Jost
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"American politicians don’t dare say outright that only the wealthy should have political rights — at least not yet. But if you follow the currents of thought now prevalent on the political right to their logical conclusion, that’s where you end up.

The truth is that a lot of what’s going on in American politics is, at root, a fight between democracy and plutocracy. And it’s by no means clear which side will win."

I can just hear the travel agents promoting tours to HK during the demonstrations: go to HK and see something you will never see in China, Chinese people engaged in massive peaceful civil disobedience and opposition to the government. Visit the protest sites, see the banners, talk to protesters, take pictures of the barricades, tents, banners, rallies. See the protesters' socialist collective at Admiralty This is the experience of a lifetime, not to be missed! Tours available for a limited time only.

China must be nervous that these HK celebrities are having an impact on China, otherwise why would they aim so much vitriol at them? The more that Beijing attacks those supporting the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong, the more frightened they show themselves to be!

There are many factors in addition to language (spoken Cantonese, written formal Chinese, and informal written Cantonese) that make covering the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong so difficult. First there is a general unfamiliarity with the history and culture of the SAR by Westerners. Then there is the intentional blocking and distorting of information by the pro-government forces (in both Hong Kong and China) combined with the heavy reliance on social media as the major form of communication by the protesters. Add to this a very volatile situation with 3 distinct ...Read more

Fabulous interview.

“I don’t think the student leaders have any say about how this movement will end. If the goods are not delivered, this movement is not going to end. These kids are fighting for their own future.”

“I’ve been working in the media for so long, so I’m supposed to understand the people. But I tell you, I don’t. I don’t understand them. Their potential power and fighting spirit is something I’ve just discovered. It’s amazing.”

When Lai asked his son why he and his Western university educated friends joined the street occupation in...Read more

The central role spoken (and written) Cantonese plays in Hong Kong identity and the struggle for greater democracy. Excellent article.

Sad to say, police have already removed the banner.

"With current CE Leung Chun-ying seen as a Beijing lackey, a legislature controlled by Establishment figures and an economy dominated by tycoons, ordinary citizens have little choice but to turn to the streets to be heard.

China’s rulers and their Hong Kong proxies should listen, if only out of self-interest. Democracy is no panacea, but it makes those in power more accountable to the citizenry. To the argument that China would not allow more freedom in Hong Kong because it would create a precedent for the Chinese mainland and threaten the ruling Communis...Read more

According to China, I am now an "official foreign meddler for my support of the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong. Rarely has something meant as condemnation made me so proud!

over 10 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

:...he key to China's soft power hinges on modernizing Chinese culture instead of marketing its ancient heritage.

Such cultural modernization includes not only more appealing cultural products and business innovations, but also fundamental reforms in the Chinese body politic.

To paraphrase the wise words of Confucius, perhaps Chinese leaders should worry less about having little soft power abroad and more about building up a prosperous, free, and just society at home."

over 10 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


In Memoriam Leslie Cheung 1956-2003 Our Leslie, beautiful like a flower. I love you today and always-- a part of my heart beats for you alone, tonight a

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January 26, 2008