2018 and still listening to Billy Idol... or Billy Arnold as I used to call him as a kid. Lol. There were no idols… https://t.co/61ynruUBgS
@bogexplosion @PunishedGoose They dont want anyone dead. That's just their attention seeking rebel yell.
@OnePerfectShot Brilliant film. One of the best character arcs ever.
@ahardtospell Amount of brains they have = nun. Ha.
@Ronan_thfc @RossKemp @England Hahaha thought the same thing. Kempy on Colombia's finest. Fitting af
@Independent https://t.co/GsfhrT69Ec
@safspaceinvadr @AupolNews The red wig was an inspired choice too
@PunishedGoose Sad and very revealing of the psychology behind third wave feminism.
@HistoryInPix Thenthational!
@SophNar0747 Its awesome watching those intersectional fools gobble each other up.
Editor of television. Maker of films. Juggler of thoughts. Fan of the Celtics.