Kit Hung
导演, 製片人, 编剧
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Shirley Kwan on Milk X

Freinds told me that it is better not to know your teenage idol in person, cos idols is for worship, not to be friend. well, well, after Chet sang with Shirley, Phoebe has been taking cover photo for MILK X - Shirley Kwan. When is my turn? :D

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


她給我一個MSN -「長江二號」。我看完立刻問YY,「J那裡來一個Blog?」,YY說不是Blog,而是你要寫給我們的...





想着要用英文覆你,中文(I write very slow),還是電話。




有時候我會這樣想,我們讓自己能做想做的事情,都可能是一種奢侈,很多人每天上班等下班,星期一等週末,放假的時候天天在倒數假期...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

A letter to James Wentzy

...and I was once thinking, in English, we can add "-ness" to make the nouns out of an adjective, like "happy - happiness", "sad - sadness", "lonely - loneliness", but for the word "busy", when we add "-ness", it become "business" (?!)

I don't know about this word "busy" any more.

but I know I am always occupied.


大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Chet Lam - Burn 林一峰 - 燃

一峰每次來找我都會在他臨上機前幾天來電﹕「喂,你估我哋可唔可以一齊做D嘢呀啦?」推了好幾次,我覺得有點不好意思把他的一腔熱誠回以一臉冷漠,結果就在這有百多年歷使的故老大屋面臨清拆前拍了他的 Music Video - 燃。他老是說這首歌要我拍,(多謝被面),我聽了DEMO,聽了合成混音版本很多次,畫面都很多,不知從何開始。結果我問一峰﹕「在你掛念別人的時候,你會做什麼?」「燙衫囉。」一聽就道是由脊神經直接放出訊號,未經大腦分析的答案。「做一些東西去distrack自己。」~~ this is a make up thought! 當你想念一個人的時候,能做的東西,就是讓自己不想念他-- 那只有不停的做其他無關痛癢的事...「咁燙完衫做咩呀?」我又問。「掛住佢囉!」,我倆會心微笑...

17 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

The Eagle Has Landed

I was in invited again by Fool's Proof Theatre, to Liverpool this time (YEAH!!!) to do a recording of their new show - The Eagle Has Landed. Having their last show - Hanks missed, I certainly put this job in the first priority.

The day I arrive, I visited their rehearsal, Director Linda Kerr Scott was there, and that's the first ...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

SwissCom: Sport@School

Was working with Pascal Vallon (http://www.dlvry.ch/) and Wiseguys for SwissCom: Sport@School - a very meaningful event held in a primary school in Luzern, offering a short seminars for students to learn and motivate positive thinking during when obstacles appear in life. The seminar is conducted thr...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Hung Hom Government Primary School

I was once dreaming about some classmates in my primary school. Don't know why I was then woke up, eyes wide open, go to the computer room and look up in the internet. I found out my primary school now have a homepage! (WOW!) When dig inside, there's a photo of my year of graduation (the oldest one in the web), how long? 20 years! Suddenly feel so ...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Alois Reinhardt

Alois Reinhardt

To find a good looking actor is easy, to find a good looking and talented actor is not too difficult, but to find a good looking, talented, and (still) passionate actor is like looking for a needle in the lake of Zurich. Here I found one.

Video use under permission, for temporary display only.

17 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Bernalmode - Fashion Show

I have just finished the event recording with Wiseguys GmbH and Bernische Stiftung für angewandte Kunst und Gestaltung for their event on Bernalamode - a fashion show featuring the well established and upcoming fashion designers in Switzerland.

My video is already online on their website, in Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Autumn Wings

Have been talking with Alyos for a while about working together. Finally, while Phoebe is visiting me here, we shoot a fragment of “Autumn”.

It have been a great time and brand new experience working with Dino Zizarri (Camera), Alois Reinhardt (Key Actor), Rebecca Weingartner (Key Actress) and the Lovely Sylvia who bring the ogel to us. Also have to give a big big thanks...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


Thank you for visiting my blog, for more info, please also visit: http://www.KitHung.net. From today on, I will slowly release notes from the making of my fi


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
October 11, 2007