We had some great films made by many film makers for this years 48HR Film Festival.
I want to thank our team "Robot Entourage" for bringing me on board. We never expected anything out of it and we were fortunate enough to win 3 Catogories;
Best Director
Best Acting
Best Film
Here is our all star team;
Arne Venema
Spencer Douglas
Joe Fiorello
Emma Moosa
Harry Du Young
Johnathon So
Duc Luu
Max Lam
Emillie Guillot
Hey you all. This is my first blog ever in my life! I know it's kinda sad but I'm getting used to this whole thing here. This video is TVC for Prime Credit. It's still weird to think that I'm here in Hong Kong for 6 months when I was suppose to be here for just a month. I came out here to perform in a play called "Hijacking the Northern Star" and 6 months later I'm still here. Thanks to all the guys at AnD and everyone else that I have met here in HK. I hope to learn Cantonese very soon! Peace out!Read more
Kirt Kishita 木下 和雅