高調說出你最喜歡大同JTW西遊記專輯歌曲? 很不低調親筆簽名單曲送給你!
即日起~10/10止, 高調在此篇文章下tag並留言#方大同JTW西遊記專輯我最喜歡XXX(歌名)的歌曲與原因, 就有機會得到方大同很不低調的親筆簽名單曲喔!只送不賣數量有限!
ex:#方大同西遊記專輯我最喜歡很不低調 , 因為我想拿到很不低調單曲.
東方心性 穿越 西方世界 十一個年頭的自我修煉
墨色眼神開始浮現光芒 耀金皮囊逐漸解構重生
方大同 全新音樂廠牌 賦音樂 旗下首張黑金雙碟原創大碟 個人第九張錄音室專輯《JTW 西遊記》
全專輯數位全面上架: iTunes:https://itun.es/tw/sPkbfb KKBOX:http://kkbox.fm/Ga1cDg myMusic:Read more
I just experienced one of those special moments of serendipity. First I want to thank @musiqsoulchild for his post on Stevie's classic double album "Songs In The Key of Life"...it is one of the most important albums from my childhood and it influenced me greatly. I'd probably say that this is one of the top 5 albums I'd wanna bring with me if I was stuck on a desolated island. Now to get to the point...I wasn't aware that this album was originally released Sept 28th, 1976 but had just noticed @musiqsoulchild (who I'm also a fan of) had ju...Read more
很低調,永遠不出聲的人, 但其實他們做的事情也是很重要的, 很努力很認真的在自己的崗位上做到極致, 大同以很不低調向社會有貢獻的無名英雄致敬! 很不低調完整版MV高調大首播!
究竟一人分飾多角的畫面是如何呈現的呢? 立即觀看 很不低調 完整版MV
#JTW西遊記 #方大同很不低調
The double album JTW 西遊記 is out today and I would like to thank all of the musicians, collaborators, creators, coordinators and team members for the time and effort put into this 11th anniversary album. For the time being this will be the last full album of original works. I am in the process of evolving and re-shaping. There is an abundance of creative diverse ideas in the pipeline from both myself, my team and affiliates and I look forward to seeing these realized to their full potential. Back to the new album, I want to thank all of the special guests who showed up...Read more
<緊急通知> 原訂9/28舉辦的專輯發佈記者會,因基於颱風天所有歌迷朋友的安全考量與外出交通不便之因素,故這次記者會臨時決定取消開放歌迷入場,期待下次有機會再邀請歌迷朋友一同前來共襄盛舉,再次感謝各位的參與與支持!
記者會仍如期舉行,安全第一 請密切注意粉絲專頁動態喔,我們線上見!