小姐你一位試吓搭個卡位對住呢位哥仔 ??? #Repost @bonnylai with @repostapp. ・・・ 搭枱...? hahahhahhaaaa @kbkevinboy the truth is, this super sweet boy ask me for a drink cos he was around A-Vibe :)) #玩陣電話啫 #sweetfriend #sweetfrog #littlethingsinlife ??#thepenisbluemyfriendisyou #萬里長城萬里長
唔單止演唱會有4D,相展都有4D! 一個以不丹為題嘅慈善相展,主辦人連不丹陣味都帶埋嚟香港,好嘢!?????? congrats on my homegal KD's charity photo exhibition! good job ?????? #hkiger #hkig #ighk #instamood #instadaily #charity #photoexhibition #photography #therebels
簡簡單單愉愉快快咁就過左一日,跑完個步又話返屋企沖涼瞓覺, 人生苦短, Live everyday as if it was your last day ! Always be happy for others ?And remember to stay positive always,cus being positive is farking awesome ! (And I mean the real positive ) ✌?️✌?✌?#kb_kevinboy #kbkevinboy #操爆你個肺 #hkig #hkiger #instamood #instadaily #positivevibes #positive
▶️有 "Hi" 就緊係必有 "Bye" 啦 ?? ,let's see how this heals ? Ok! "Bye" ???????? #hkig #hkiger #instamood #instadaily #palmtattoo #palmtattooshurt #59tattooandbarbershop #hi #kbkevinboy #kb_kevinboy @59tattoo @the59tattoo #palmtattooshurt
观看视频咁醒目,又真係有個 Bye ga wor ?
▶️"Hi" just wanna show u my first Palm tattoo in making by @59tattoo , let's see how it heals✋?✋?✋? #hkig #hkiger #instamood #instadaily #palmtattoo #palmtattooshurt #59tattooandbarbershop #hi #kbkevinboy #kb_kevinboy
观看视频以後咁樣say hi ✋?多謝 Marcus??要你一樣咁鳩先可以同我癲! #hkig #hkiger #ighk #instamood #instadaily #thebaddies #tattoo #inkedandawesome @59tattoo @the59tattoo
观看视频大品牌即係大品牌,大膽創新!男人都可以拍化妝品片! thank you CHANEL ,my beautiful partners @jwchubz @charmainefong and everyone who helped ?
特別鳴謝 @rxbeatbox , 無你我呢個彩色的鼓佬就唔會識扮下嘢 rap & beatbox 兩嘴 ???? #chanel #mynameiscoco