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Karen Mok
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I Can Be a Rose As Well|你都能夠成為玫瑰|你都能够成为玫瑰

Those of you who have already seen《Go Lala Go!》(杜拉拉升職記), what do you think about the character I play in the movie called “Rose”? Have you met a person like “her”  in your working environment?

Actually, before I took up this role for the movie, I did some research and learned through experience at an old school gathering. I’ve never had any experience as a white-collar worker but at the reunion, I heard many stories about their good and bad times in the office. Of course, some of my old classmates have become executives of some companies. As it happened, I learned a few things about their attitudes towards work, for instance, to be in a management position you need to maintain an “image”. As a result, these skills were very useful while filming this so called “office fashion film”


I personally like this character, Rose, quite a lot because she knows exactly what she really wants. Maybe in other people’s eyes, it may seem like she’s always scheming things, but later she discovers that after achieving the position that she’s wanted for a long time, it turns out that it’s not what it seems. In the end, she knew to let go and leave, and pursue something that she truly wanted. She has a very unique and distinct personality that portrays a very stereoscopic character. Because of this, some friends have said after watching this movie, they got the feeling that I had experienced something similar in a real workplace environment.


If you also feel as though that you’re always fighting for fame and fortune at work every day, why not take a break when you feel tired. Calmly ask yourself, “Is the thing that I’m aiming for what I really want?” You never know, there might be a new way of looking at your future! |


如果大家已經看過電影 <杜拉拉升職記




我自己蠻喜歡玫瑰這個角色的,因為她非常知道自己想要得到的東西是什麼,可能在別人眼中會覺得她很有心機,不過後來她才發現自己追求多時的職位得到後卻不是那一回事,最後更懂得放手離開 ,去追求自己真正想要的。她這種愛惡分明的性格讓整個角色都變得好立體,所以有些朋友都說在看完這部電影之後,感覺上就認為我在職場上曾經有經驗一樣。



  如果大家已经看过电影 <杜拉拉升职记


其实我在出演这个电影角色前,我都会在旧同学聚会中从中取经;我从来没有做白领的经验,可是在聚会上都会听到她们在说办公室的苦与乐,当然有些同学们已经成为企业的高层,我无意间从中学习到他们工作的一些态度,譬如说要成为一个管理层应该是在办公室保持一个“样子”的,结果拍摄这部被称为“时尚职场电影”中竟然可以大派用场呢。   我自己蛮喜欢玫瑰这个角色的,因为她非常知道自己想要得到的东西是什麽,可能在别人眼中会觉得她很有心机,不过后来她才发现自己追求多时的职位得到后却不是那一回事,最后更懂得放手离开 ,去追求自己真正想要的。她这种爱恶分明的性格让整个角色都变得好立体,所以有些朋友都说在看完这部电影之后,感觉上就认为我在职场上曾经有经验一样。   如果你们也觉得自己每天在职场上争名夺利,觉得很累的时候,不妨停下来,静心的问自己一句,“我所追求的东西是我真正想要的吗?”,说不定你对自己的前途会有一个新的看法呢!

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  31 comments  0 shares
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you look totally rose!
almost 15 years ago


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