Official Artist
Jun Kung
Music Producer , Musician
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MOOV LIVE experience....

What can I say....Another day another gig...Sometimes you Miss, sometimes U hit !

I was very blessed that it went super well Last night and Raffi told me that the 30 free tickets went out in an hour on the site....Thanks fellow AnD Friends....

First off, I am sorry that I didn't have the time to meet and greet the other Bands, I was really trying to focus and do a good job, So my apologies on that....

Secondly, Sorry if I forgot to invite any of my friends to the show.....I am so bad at that ! I really should have people to remind me to invite people....especially close friends....People who know me already, just text me for the number of tix and I hook it up right away.....so don't hesitate to do so if u have my cell number, Showtime is chaotic and I cannot take care of that aspect....us welcome yourselves to any of the shows I am in....please..... "M hou hack hay'

The whole experience was a blast, To see all my good friends together hanging out and having the LATINO's in the house made it super super fun.......One thing I noticed, Black people Love to Joke around....Latino's cannot stop joking around...put them 2 in the same room....All you hear is non stop laughing and jokes and prank jokes....

Prank jokes, is trying to make Ray, our bass player eat "Cow Happy". What is that u ask?

its the private part of the cow.....we all had a bet that we have to get him to eat it without him knowing....that's a long bet since the Khalil tours....and we still haven't got him yet....darn it!

Its like this, If u tell us u are scared of something, chances are , we will prank u....

We rehearsed more on the pool table after rehearsals more than actual Music rehearsals....and man, Laughing too hard is not healthy if U have food in your mouth !!

Thru AnD, I met Sean, A super nice Big bouncer Looking ,Quirky humored big giant cuddly Bear....In a bromance kinda way ok....I have a gorgeous GF. I don't go that route...haha

He volunteered to guitar Tech for me and Mr.Eugene Pao also, AnD member,which was great coz We were always doing shows Guerilla Style, meaning anything goes. Having the luxury of a guitar Tech and Peter Gorton (Ex-Soler drummer) to be the stage Manager was amazing coz He had many years of experience doing Backline Jobs in italy for Groups that hire his company while doing the Italy tours. With his super nice , aggresive approach, he took the stage like a pure bred Stallion and led all of us thru a fast effective soundcheck.

I have to say, I have never had a more relaxed soundcheck...and the rest of my team,

Tonedef (F.O.H/Co-Producer/also AnD member).,the man who makes sure that you all listen to a balanced mix. Without him mixing Front of House, We will sound like shit, so respect engineers, we are at their mercy.....also, another longtime friend, Victor Garnier helping us on the video wall.....

As we went to another pool challenge after last nights show, I looked around and thanked everybody individually for their participation....

I realized that we all play roles. I was the excuse for the gig , but we all played an important role to make the show worked. Just coz it works might not mean its successful...But making sure things flowed and knowing the fact that We all had people watching our backs during the show

I been in many situations backing up "superstars/Singer/actors/dancers,

That when I needed help all they did was just crossed their arms and say, Its not my job. I only help the star...which is Bullshit, it takes a team to play the game....

Without the point guard, he cannot assist it to the forward and then to the center player then to dunk the ball in.

Without the bass line, there ain't no bass line, without the drummer there ain't no beat for the dancers to dance to, without the technicians,there ain't no sound, without the voice , there ain't no singer, without an audience , there ain't no show !

Feel Me?

We are all aiming for one and one goal alone, To do a good show. Doing your job is a given, Helping others out, is a bonus ! That separates the pros from the amazing pros.....

Being good at what you do doesn't mean shit ! It really doesn't. I believe that being a team player helps one be a better Player......that's just me....Are you a team player?

Done with JUNK UNIT for now.....back to 11:11....

Just finished a promo shoot for 11:11......Getting into the writing mode for demo recordings....

Take care and have a great Xmas Season !!! :-)

Jun K

over 15 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
It was fun, and I look forward to the next gig! Let's see what we can do about Ray's eating habits!!!
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
it was a fun show. i just wish they had chairs for us oldsters. :-P
about 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
it was a fun show. i just wish they had chairs for us oldsters. :-P
about 15 years ago


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