Getting a little workout in at #VeniceBeach!
一口氣食曬一塊成塊面咁大既煙肉朱古力曲奇?你地可以叫我豬豬??I just finished a Beacon Chocolate Chip Cookie which is like the size of my head all by myself!!! Going to have a sugar rush soon ? I always workout like a greyhound ?and eat like a pig ?
Let's Break Dance X Gymnastics on the beach! 喺海灘同陽光玩遊戲?? #onehandedhandstand #beach #90degrees #ocean #gymnastics
It's Friday! Keep up the good work everyone ! Sun bathing and beach workout continue throughout the weekend ?????? Anyone wanna join me in LA?
I love climbing up the ropes ?Rope dancing at Muscle Beach! 由細到大都比媽媽話我馬騮精托世?今日見到一條兩層樓高嘅麻繩當然使出我嘅本能唔使20秒就爬咗上去?
JuJu Chan (陳鈺芸) Actress, Action Star, Pop Singer, Author, Hong Kong Taekwondo (ITF) Representative, Signature: double nunchucks