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JuJu Chan 陳鈺芸
Actor , Athlete , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing
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JuJu 陳鈺芸 TVB Y Angle 《極限 60”》示範片段

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over 9 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Photographed by Aaron Chan

Thanks to all the media for coming to our dinner gala on Sat. 謝謝傳媒到訪我們紐約大學舊生會晚宴。 這兩天的新聞報導 [Sing Pao] 陳鈺芸盼與師兄李安合作 http://www.singpao.com/yl/mx/201411/t20141124_538247.html

[Apple Daily] 陳鈺芸夢想闖奧斯卡 http://hk.apple.appledaily.com/entertainment/art/20141124/18945157

[oncc] 陳鈺芸自豪讀紐約名校 Read more

11/11 嘉賓 陳鈺芸 - 香港電台第二台 "Made in Hong Kong 李志剛"

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almost 10 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Today's News clipping 今日剪報 [太陽報 Sun Newspaper] 陳鈺芸飛腳裸你命 http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/entertainment/20141107/00470_064.html

[東方日報 Oriental Daily] 陳鈺芸恨拍美劇唔怕裸 http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/entertainment/20141107/00282_137.html


JuJu拍攝一輯以「東方打女」為主題的相片,更大耍雙節棍。 女星陳鈺芸(JuJu)曾演出多套荷里活動作片,她...Read more

JuJu Chan's Actor Showreel 電影作品集 2014

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almost 10 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Filming in New Zealand

Been here in New Zealand for 3 months already filming CTHD2! Will be finishing up shooting in 2 weeks for me, and will go straight back to Hong Kong for the next project! I will definitely miss New Zealand! Such a beautiful place ^^

about 10 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Trust Challenge 信任挑戰!踢走你頭上頂帽!

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about 10 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

I have just donated! How about you?

JuJu Chan Ice Bucket Challenge

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about 10 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


JuJu Chan (陳鈺芸) Actress, Action Star, Pop Singer, Author, Hong Kong Taekwondo (ITF) Representative, Signature: double nunchucks

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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
November 2, 2008