Thanks so much @langsenofficial for putting this poster together. It was an awesome surprise. I’m really grateful for all the adventures I had while in Hong Kong and all the great friends I made along the way. It was sad to have to say good bye, but exciting to think of new things to come from returning back to hometown NY. Call me Frank White. . . .
Thanks so much to The Mighty Dragon (@bertiechan55) for the awesome review of Love Stalk 愛·打卡 (@lovestalkmovie). If you haven't yet seen it, please give it a look see on @flixpremiere @deltamachk @hmvdigitalchina_group @anyplexhk @googleplay @chopsotv @airhongkong . . .
After 9 years, I'm leaving Hong Kong for New York. It's kind of surreal... so surreal that I look like I just got off a tennis court... in the 80s. It's been an emotional journey and an emotional end to the journey. Thanks to all the cast of characters that made it awesome. I'll miss you all. But no worries Hong Kong. I shall return. . . .
Moving house definitely presents some issues and some opportunities to be a wiseass. . . .
To be or not to be... that is the question. I found this skull while digging through my stuff. I bought it as a prop for a promo photo shoot I did for "Shakespeare in the Port", an outdoor Shakespeare festival from back in the day. . . .
Whoa! Sudden flashback to like half my childhood. I wonder if you still have to type LOAD "*",8,1 to start a game on this. Haha . . .
Shaving and using the phone as a mirror. Had to do this because battery ran out and han to plug in the razor. Wire for the razor was like 5 inches long so I’m actually pretty close to the floor while taking this picture.
Packing up and cleaning out the office. New chapter in my life coming up.
Actor, screenwriter, director from New York and now bringing my flavor to Hong Kong