各位向我留飛既朋友拜託向我double confirm ??
Thank you thank you ??????????
跟你們一起當遊客❤️ 謝謝你們特意飛過來看我的演出? 希望 @sorina0407 第一次的香港experience 好玩吧!! #touringhk #hongkong #touristspot #visitorsfromtaiwan #thankyouforcomingtomyshow #loveyoulots #thepeak #3dphotos #skyterrace #3dmuseum
10 years ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
究竟係邊個衰人偷左我個袋? 你點解要咁做??????
而家無左條iphone 線,無得差電 差external charger 既cable 都無埋 oh sorry 無都唔緊要,因為我個external charger 都比你偷埋
仲有我d good show 禮物 ?比番我?
sorry about all the negativity I'm just really annoyed
鮑魚蛋邪惡大計劃 Making Of 18/5 27/5
A film and theatre actress from Hong Kong that speaks fluent Cantonese, English and Mandarin.