I'm signing because I actually had "A Lemmy" with Lemmy at the Rainbow Bar!
An online initiative by our friends at Brand New Media Australia - great speakers, great insight. https://www.facebook.com/events/491848187646128/
RIP Lemmy.. We'll always remember the day we had a Jack at the Rainbow Room and you let us have a go on your fruit machine #lemmy
Rest in Peace my dearest friend Elaine Kwong. Thank you for making me part of the Weekly family. Of all the women we've honored, you've been the most inspiring. We love you, we miss you, we will never forget you..
Merry Christmas from our home to yours! #christmas #family #derozarios Sorry.. we opened all the presents ?
Ok so I've seen #StarWarsTheForceAwakens As a 3D movie.. epic! (but JJ either got lazy or ran out of time two-thirds into it) Storyline.. hmmm, it's all kinda familiar Memories.. friggin' AWESOME if you saw Star Wars as a kid And finally.. who the hell is Rey..?!
From one awards show to another.. this time hosting one of my favourite events of the year - the Malaysian Women's Weekly Great Women of Our Time Awards where we celebrate ordinary women who achieve extraordinary things. Thank you to Fizi Woo for dressing me in one of his exquisite creations and to the Weekly team for always making it so easy for me. Love you guys loads! #mwwgreatwomen
A night of recognition and fun with old friends and my peers at the Asian TV Awards #ATATurns20
TV Presenter / Producer www.joannederozario.com twitter.com/joannedr