Expensive train ride but kids ❤️ it so much ?
Round 2 with hubby!
First time here! ?
Simple happy ?pancake breakfast before teaching on Sunday
Im piano based, hence dunno a lot on programming on the electone. Manually set up the sounds based on what i hear of the Rio Angry birds version.
Here is my cover on it. You can hear the previous original version on piano at youtube.com under Cloudz7.
Thanks for listening :)
Brought my gal to her first overseas trip to an Indonesian island Batam. Here are some photos
Lunch @ Vivocity b4 setting off
Never knew how important Moons were in our universe till I watched a documentary during the Batam trip. Astronomy is one of the subjects that truly intrigues me other than human anatomy and deep sea living organisms.
Hence despite my family were in deep sleep at 1-2 am, I fought sleepiness to finish the documentary.
There is this theory that last time our moon collided with our Earth but lucky for us Earth still survived while the moon was shattered and the pieces colluded again to form the existing moon. Last ...Read more
Hi, long time no post. Here's my piano take on the movie soundtrack Pirates of the Carribean. Played by ear based on a youtube video by pianoguys.com
Thanks for listening, and feel free to comment if u liked it thx~
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH9AvMpEeuQ
Havent posted in a while, here are 2 videos of my 2 yr old gal playing the piano.
1) Hot Cross Buns (this is the 1st repertoire done in Yamaha Bk 1 by 4 yr olds)
2) 2nd song i taught her was Twinkle twinkle (think done by 6 yr olds in old Yamaha extension course syllabus).
But 'best part' is what happens After she finishes =_=
And finally the third one out of the many recent recordings; the Angry Birds theme song. My gal and i love to play the game (but im over it now till they launch new games), and she keeps hearing the song. Finally i got down to record and play it.
Fun song and surprisingly not too easy to hear the 2nd half part...
Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile