finally hit 100 reviews on iTunes! encouraged and humbled to know the music speaks to listeners in such a way. go support #XIVLIX on iTunes if you haven't yet. link is in my profile. ✌️
easy to forget even the most important items when running out the house at 6 am to catch a flight. happened a few weeks ago. lesson learned! #hadtocallhomefromapayphone #wifewasnthappy #butshemailedmemyphone #blessed
lots of love in the air last night celebrating the lunar new year. a moment captured by @djho3 much thanks to @sneakerstevenyc & @androidhomme for the footwear. so fitting. #everydayischinesenewyear
ran into Jeremy Lin 林書豪 posted up on a lamp post while eating my don tot (egg tart). what happens when #everydayischinesenewyear. full video here: #chinesenewyear #chinatown #sanfrancisco #jlin7 #redenvelope
and we're up on the soundcloud. Mogli the Iceburg's GAIN THE WORLD ft. Gemstones, D-Tropp, and yours truly #ingreatcompany