looks like it's about to be michonne and poppin'! ?? #allcaughtupforthemostpart #5seasonsin1month
Play videoCalling all SAN FRANSISCANS (I think thats the term)! See you tomorrowwwwwwwwwwww spanish soccer announcer style. Hope to see you there.
phase won. always a pleasure catching up with @richthebarber. #queenswhatup #wentfromchinesefooddeliveryguytozoolander3realquick
The Rock Voice Finallllllllllllly, MC Jin....... has... come back...to...... San Franciscoooooooooo.
why they got rosita lookin' like jlo meets tomb raider?! #larafromtheblock #walkingdeadseason4 #season6imonyourheels #latetothepartyasusual #fullerhouseondeck