Surprise surprise yooooooo!!!! ??
thinking back on these last few weeks.. HK, Beijing, Shanghai.. there were a few items i kept close by my side at all times.. my toothbrush.. clean underwear.. and most importantly.. ??
spread the ❤️ one freestyle at a time. ???
很難得我在香港只是一兩天但是都能去一下我最喜歡的"甜品堂"! 有機會你們可以去嚐嚐. 老闆就是我們的不帥經紀人@端TUN. ?? 感謝大家的支持! 地址:西營盤第三街150號 ?
so much love. so much positivity. so much inspiration. so much unity. i am beyond grateful. ?❤️
852, until next time! ❤️?✌️
有的話可以來找我. 從今晚十一點到... ??? ???
you freestyle ma? ? dropped 20 bucks into the guitar case so might as well have some fun! i will always remember where i started. right on the streets with the realest audience you can find. ??
i was at an audition and was told to come back and read with the director in an hour after an initial reading with the casting director. i walked out of the office and followed my google maps to the nearest starbucks. before even making it to the end of the block, an object on the floor caught my eye. i kneeled down to get a closer look and instantly a flood of thoughts and emotions filled me up. my heart was heavy as i gazed at this creature who i imagined spent its life flying "free as a bird" as the saying goes, now lying on the concrete lifeless and alo...Read more