Made in England. Established 1818. When sneakers just won't do the job.
I can't believe we are about to witness the 100th issue of @thefader magazine!!! Can't believe it has come this far and I'm proud to have played a small part in making history. Congrats to all my #faderfam #fader100 ?
?? Dining room done right ??
Congrats to my man @jr & his latest exhibition in #Paris. Absolutely incredible! ?????? Can you spot the ??
Everyday staple.
?? Ninjaz in Paris ??
?? Rive Gauche ??
Name that dome... (Hint: ??)
The Mast Brothers make a lot of ?. But they make a lot more?. #Shoreditch #London #DoWhatYouLove
hello from new york city.
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