Official Artist
Janet Hsieh
Actor , MC / Show Host
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I'm in MANILA for ONE DAY! What should I eat? Where should I go?! Kung ano ang mabuti sa kumain?

over 8 years ago 1296 likes  0 comment  5 shares

Maja Salvador is awesome

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over 8 years ago 3321 likes  0 comment  56 shares

Love and live from Manila

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over 8 years ago 4808 likes  0 comment  73 shares

LOVE THIS! A different side of me: Check out my new interview and magazine cover ICON Magazine Singapore! 好喜歡我新的ICON雜誌封面! 新加坡朋友可以來看看喔!幫我買一份可以嗎? http://www.iconsingapore.com/8123

almost 9 years ago 2133 likes  0 comment  11 shares

Top of the world!!

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almost 9 years ago 4639 likes  0 comment  79 shares
almost 9 years ago 5231 likes  0 comment  71 shares

My new TV commercial is out!I love it!! Soooo cute and fun to film :) We went NUTS! (Haha. Get it?) 你們有看到我的新廣告嗎?Renee,你紅了!我要開始當我的經紀人的經紀人了! #萬歲牌 #不是萬歲牌我們可是不吃的喔 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9iOkxJDCi4&feature=youtu.be

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almost 9 years ago 1394 likes  0 comment  5 shares

Happy new year in Tainan!

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almost 9 years ago 16213 likes  0 comment  227 shares

George Young說我很隨便!!! 但是他其實是要說我XX! George demonstrates the importance of language during an interview with Apple Daily

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almost 9 years ago 10687 likes  0 comment  1 share

Attempt to make human fan

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almost 9 years ago 5743 likes  0 comment  67 shares


Model, violinist, author, actress, polyglot, travel glutton.

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Member Since
November 25, 2009