英文教學: My "pea in the pod". "Bun in the oven". "Knocked up". 這個都是比較口語的方式表示你懷孕了?. 中文也有嗎? Do you know any other slang terms for telling someone you're pregnant? (And can someone please tell George that THAT is probably not the intended place for a sticker.) #itsapairbutnotmypair George Young
First time acting with my husband George Young (We managed to stay happily married). So honored to be a part of this film with so many legends and can't wait for y'all to see it when it comes out! 第一次在好萊塢工作就跟老公一起演戲真的很開心!很期待這部電影出來跟你們分享! #ABreadFactory
Coming soon!!! 高雄的朋友,好久不見! 小提琴,好久好久不見!Come celebrate my first Mother's Day with a charity concert in KaoHsiung, May 14th, 3pm. 5月14號下午3點見喔...
My aunties and mom are the best example that big smiles, love, humor, and occasionally, a nice sisterly face rub is how to look and stay young! 每天帶著滿滿的笑容、心中保持著愛和幽默感,然後偶爾和姐妹們一起作肌膚保養是我媽媽和阿姨們保持年輕的秘訣!
Model, violinist, author, actress, polyglot, travel glutton.