Jamaster A (楊振龍/ALEX BABOO)
作曲家, DJ, 音乐监製
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Jamaster A -Funky Jump Bee

"Jamaster A -Funky Jump Bee" official exclusive release in Beatport on 26th Oct,and 20th Dec release in all digital shop,this track included my original & midnight remix,also remixed by Osvaldo Nugroho & Massimo Salustri.The style of this track is Funky Techno. Watch out this track!!

Title: Jamaster A -Funky Jump Bee

Label: Lyon Echo Records

Relea...Read more

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Blog: Sunday, Jul 31

"Jamaster A - Nanjing Express" released today on Black Hole Recordings "In Trance We Trust" label - Buy it on Beatport & all digital portal now!--------------------------Jamaster A presents his new single �Nanjing Express� on the In Trance We Trust imprint.This track featured In World No.1 DJ Armin Van Buuren -A State Of Trance #519 [Tune of The Week] & A State of Su...Read more

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Jamaster A 台湾表演 @ 國際電子音樂節 -夏日音波2011 (8月20日)

Jamaster A 台湾表演 @ 國際電子音樂節 -夏日音波2011 (8月20日)

炎夏已經展開,電音的熱浪持續發散, 首次選定東北角依山傍海的美麗濱岸—龍洞四季灣,這是有​著戶外Trance by Sea + 室內Techno & Anthem Hall 雙舞台更有二樓面向一望無際大海的Super VIP Loounge的國際級 Festival。

...12位國際巨星,12小時的律動,加上國內頂尖DJ絕對 ​熱力四射!

青山、浪花、遊艇,雙泳池,夕陽、星空……一場全新感受 ​的國際级巨型派對,換上輕裝一起來釋放全身的熱力,雙舞 ​台的強大音浪,將憾動北海岸每一寸土地,讓我們在清涼海 ​風中熱舞整夜,迎接美麗的日出。

*藝人/ Artist

室內Techno & Anthem Hall :

Danny Howells / 英國

連續3年獲得DJ Magezine票選前20名的榮耀,足以證明他”Th ​e Clubbers DJ”的稱號絕非浪得虛名,12年來馬不...Read more

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"Jamaster A -Nanjing Express" on Tiesto's label Black Hole Recordings

Jamaster A new track "Nanjing Express" coming soon on Tiesto's label Black Hole Recordings (In Trance we Trust) in 1st August 2011.The Track also remixed by "Oryon /Robert Vadney/ Massimo Salutri /M-Sequence /Yuziq & Tall Sasha",and Jamaster A also have 2 remix version as well.Here's the track list.More info will coming soon!

Jamaster A -Nanjing Express

Label: Black Hole Recordings (In Trance we Trust)

Release Date:...Read more

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Jamaster A -The Art Of Asia (Podcast 008)

Here's my latest podcast Jamaster A -The Art Of Asia (Podcast 008),included my un-release new track "Nanjing Express".And you can free download this podcast in i-Tunes now!!Enjoy!!

http://jamaster-a.podomatic.com/entry/2011-07-05T032629-07_00 http://www.mixcloud.com/jamastera/jamaster-a-the-art...Read more

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Jamaster A In DJ List (Canada) Ranking #16

  Jamaster A In DJ List (Canada) from 2703 DJs Ranking #16 .And DJ List (Trance Genre) From 7891 DJs World Ranking #122.Thanks to your support!! http://thedjlist.com/world/Canada/djs/http://thedjlist.com/djs/genre/trance/100/...Read more

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Jamaster A (Live) @ Global DJ Festival Summer World Taipei (24/25 June 2011)

Jamaster A (Live) @ 24th /25th June 2011 - Global DJ Festival Summer World Taipei 2011 臺北國際 DJ 電子音樂節 @ Nangang 101 (Taiwan)

時間/Time: 六月二十四號星期五 & 六月二十五號星期六


... June, 24th, 2011.Friday. 9:00pm~4:00am.

June, 25th, 2011.Saturday. 9:00pm~4:00am

地點/Venue: 南港 101. Nangang 101.

地址/Add...Read more

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Jamaster A In DJ List Top 50 Canada DJ #28

Jamaster A In DJ List Top 50 Canada DJ #28http://thedjlist.com/world/Canada/djs/

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Jamaster A -The Art Of Asia 007 (Free Download)

Jamaster A un-release new track "Nanjing Express" has included in my latest podcast "Jamaster A-The Art Of Asia (Podcast 007)".You can listen & free download in i-Tunes now.Enjoy!!http://jamaster-a.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-12T20_45_04-07_00 http://soundcloud.com/j-15/jamaster-a-the-art-of-asia-1 Read more

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Jamaster A New Mandarin Album Looking For Singer

Jamaster A will sign artist contract to China Gold Typhoon (EMI China).Jamaster A new Mandarin album planning to release in summer,more top Taiwan & China artist from Gold Typhoon (EMI) will be confirm to feature in my album,details will be update soon!!Any male or female singer or rapper can sing in mandarin,who's interest to feature in my new album,please send me your bio & mp3 demoto alexbaboo@qq.com.Jamaster A在Gold Typhoon金牌大風(...Read more

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english, cantonese, mandarin
November 22, 2007