Liu Dao
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http://t.cn/R5wM46P 明天晚7点就是新展开幕啰! 在上海莫干山艺术区,我们可爱的花园空间。到时的Party,仍旧需要凭邀约入场哦!@乌镇国际当代艺术邀请展 @老赖的Klein_Lu @TimeOut上海 @ARTANDUS @ChannelV @藝術犬 @VART私人美术馆 @SURGEArt艺起 @ELLEDECO家居廊@陈设软装

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http://t.cn/R57wsSS 无论一个人有多漂亮,可爱,文静...似乎都燃烧着对财富和成功不可抑制的渴望。噢,shit! @老赖的Klein_Lu @胡来网 @好戏网 @TimeOut上海 @ChannelV @ARTWE官方微博 @ARTANDUS @乌镇国际当代艺术邀请展 @芭莎艺术 @artstack艺堆

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http://t.cn/R5PqZHc [拍照][拍照]视频回顾!@TimeOut上海 @绝对伏特加中国 @ARTANDUS @artstack艺堆 @M50创意园 @老赖的Klein_Lu

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We're at it again! Come join us on Thursday, May 26th from 7-10pm in our lovely little Garden gallery for the opening of our newest exhibition "Machine Dreams". You can expect drinks from our sponsor Jameson, face-meltingly delicious treats from Strictly Cookies, and of course a whole new series of incredible artwork, what more could you ask for?This show is invite-only so be sure to RSVP if you’d like to join us. You can find the RSVP link below our profile.

island6 #liudao #m50 #artopening #machinedreams #robot #artexhibition #artgallery #cont...Read more

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http://t.cn/RqsQgOl[嘻嘻][嘻嘻][心] 新展又来啰!5月26号周四的晚7点至10点,在我们可爱的花园空间,将为新展“机器狂想”举行开幕酒会。到时既有爱尔兰Jameson威士忌,也有好吃到让你偷笑的曲奇行家Strictly Cookies。当然重头戏还是我们的新作品!不过仍旧需要凭邀约入场哦!@胡来网 ...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2815265970/3977270656141309

???We're getting ready for another amazing exhibition at island6 ??? #island6 #liudao #m50 #mixedmedia #machinedreams #ledart #artopening #zaishanghai #rsvp #animationart #newmedia #contemporaryart #workinprogress #behindthescenes #shootoftheday #videoart #laserart

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六岛LED作品# http://t.cn/RqksH2B [doge][doge]来~让我们探讨探讨插头插座跨地域、跨文化的兼容性问题。@胡来网 @ChannelV @TimeOut上海 @乌镇国际当代艺术邀请展 @艺术廿一ART021 @带你看展览

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六岛视频作品# http://t.cn/RqDzQhN 每一个人眼中的现实都是如此不同,所谓的真实,或许仅仅只属于你自己。@老赖的Klein_Lu @乌镇国际当代艺术邀请展 @好戏网 @ChannelV @TimeOut上海 @ARTANDUS

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六岛LED作品#《A Graceful Nature 优雅的本性》- 六岛Island6 关于这件作品的详细信息:http://t.cn/RqeVySz @六岛Island6 @ARTANDUS http://t.cn/RqeVw1t

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english, cantonese, mandarin, french, german
Shanghai, China
December 20, 2010