Life and it's mysterious ways. Amazing feeling to be back here after spending those years competing and performing here w my Double Bass. Many of the group photos were taken at this very spot. Reminiscing all the awards won and the historic win at the 1st National Band Competition eons ago. And of course not forgetting the memorable school band exchanges we had with girls' schools. Coming from a boys' school, these exchanges were very much anticipated. After school activities that followed would then be to attend each other's concerts and giving flower...Read more
After work, Security Guard secures his drink. #secureyourdrink #bespokecocktail #shangrila #topbartender #bartender #securityguard #kungfu #joboftheday #바텐더 #칵테일
观看视频The bald hairdresser and the concerned customer. #tophairstylist #gdragon #sph #대머리의 #미용사 #hairstyleoftheyear #baldisbeautiful #baldeagle #joboftheday
Photo credits: @wertyhoo
Slowly, deftly Music shall carcass you Hear it, feel it Secretly possess you... #musicofthenight #serenade #lalala #flowerprint #gig #blahblahblacksheep #havewool #woolpants
A versatile and multi-skilled personality.