Took this shot yesterday.
Insomnia, Inception, Interstellar Three Christopher Nolan-films that start with "In". I say Illuminati! :O
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Augenchirurg: "Wenn ich in Rente gehe, schreib ich auch mal ein Buch." Ich: "Cool. Wenn ich in Rente gehe, operiere ich auch mal Augen."
Mario Kart 8: The only game that doesn't care how good you are. :D
Today one year ago was the first day of production on "There Was To Be Peace". The series evolved from shooting on DSLR to filming on a cinematic camera (Red Dragon). Three episodes in, we have two more episodes produce to finish season 1. Stay tuned.
Mario Kart 8: 150cc: What the...? Not even funny.
Understanding oneself happens through a process of relationships and not through isolation. - Bruce Lee