An Urgent message from a Hong Kong Student to the international press.
//A Hong Kong bookseller named Lee Bo who sold books criticizing the Communist Party of China and banned political books suddenly went missing weeks after four of his associates disappeared strangely. The Causeway Bay Bookstore, the bookstore established by Lee in 1994, is popular among mainland tourists as they can buy political books which are banned in their hometown.//
This is insane as it is the first time this kind of mainland communist-styled abduction has happened in Hong K...Read more
這兩天去東龍島,看到營地滿地都遍佈垃圾,很多人紮營也會擋著路,橫跨道路的繩子又不好好做標記,我們團裡就有小孩因此被絆倒胸口悶了幾個小時,幸好最好無大礙。希望大家去郊外時能好好保持著野外的原狀,走的時候要把地方恢復本來的樣貌,把垃圾帶走之餘,也煩請帶多點公德心,尊重一下跟你一同來到戶外的其他人。大自然是大家的,你不pick after yourself難道要別人來幫你收拾嗎?
BE GOO. Please support 十日談 The decameron, documentary film on MADNESS. Come buy on All proceeds will go to HOCC CHARITY FUND. (see the