-_- ......... 到底咩世界?
今夜18:30,中環砵典乍街。 為美國死難者站出來,向各種仇恨說不。
---------------------- 美國奧蘭多同志夜店槍擊案是令全球震驚的人間惨劇,不論是不同性傾向及性別身份人士、盟友或有血有肉的人,無不痛心哀慟!
今晚六時半請前來中環砵典乍街,參加由大愛同盟和多個本地同志組織發起的燭光晚會,悼念今次事件的受害者,以默站控訴恐同殺戮。 今天我們心痛流淚,但明天我們再次站起來為愛而戰。
Take a good look at where hate brings us.
This makes me so sad, not only because it is the LGBT community that is involved, but because how people would kill, point fingers, and turn themselves against each other, just for being different, in race, in sexualities, or in beliefs.
Yet, behind all the labels that try to define and separate individuals from each other, we are all only human beings. Human beings who experience the same emotions, the same anxieties, the same hopes and the same fears.
Hate is not, and never will be the answer.
...Read more成日話「商業決定」,很明顯想要把事情淡化為個別事件。
BE GOO. Please support 十日談 The decameron, documentary film on MADNESS. Come buy on www.goomusic.com.hk All proceeds will go to HOCC CHARITY FUND. (see the