仲有從YOUTUBER(第一代) 去到大電影導演既小堅堅堅~~~
網上索取門票: (費用全免) https://goo.gl/m3eBg4
看影展、聊電影,每年一度的 shnit 國際短片節將於 10月5-9日在香港舉行,是否想探索其中的奧妙?
網上索取門票: (費用全免) https://goo.gl/m3eBg4
看影展、聊電影,每年一度的 shnit 國際短片節將於 10月5-9日在香港舉行,是否想探索其中的奧妙?
影展詳情: http://www.hkfaa.net/hkshnit2016
shnit 國際短片節義工招募 (shnit HK 2016)
影展詳情: http://www.hkfaa.net/hkshnit2016
義工參加表格: https://goo.gl/w7Ja9J
看影展、聊電影,每年一度的 shnit 國際短片節將於 10月5-9日在香港舉行,是否想探索其中的奧妙?如果你有滿腔服務熱情,邀你一起試試不同於觀眾的體驗!五天的時間,帶你一探影展究竟。歡迎加入影展工作的行列!
shnit Looking for Volunteers (shnit HK 2016) (Details: http://www.hkfaa.net/hkshnit2016)
For our festival, from 05/10/2016 till 09/10/2019, we are looking for several volunteers. If you could spare a few hours of your time to give our visitors a splendid welcome, we would be very grateful.
The specific tasks for which we are looking some helping hands are: – the reception: from 05/10 until 09/10 (date and time according to the festival schedule)
If you could be available for one of ...Read more
Since 2004, HO started produced short films and feature films. Active on stage and backstage, HO is also involved in Television, film and Advertisement production.