Henry Chung
作曲家, 音乐家
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Nice blog entry from Peggy Leung: 有愛就有希望

Original entry can be found here.


「有愛就有希望」收錄在「赤道」樂隊的最新大碟「生色」。「赤道」在 80 年代冒起,是一班熱愛音樂的基督徒組合。當時被傳媒稱為俗世清流,「無言者」一曲,曾躍上流行榜頗高的位置。

「赤道」無聲無色了一段日子,原因是有幾位歌手移民,各自要在陌生的地方打拼,重新建立家園和生活。他們雖然分散各地(香港、澳洲和美國),但那顆「赤道」心,卻始終如一,今天終於傳來喜訊,「赤道」的新 CD 「生色」,剛在香港出版了!

這隻 新 CD 算得上是「跨國」合作,分散各國的四位歌手 (吳潔梅、楊淑貞、劉向榮、蔣忠漢) 親自策劃和監製,所以籌備的過程,很受考驗,少一點熱情、少一點耐性、少一點忍讓,都會爛尾。就憑著他們一份對音樂的信念和忠誠...Read more

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Gospel Hit MV of the month!

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Gospel Hit MV of the month!

將心給我 - 陳芳榮 曾路得 鍾氏兄弟 MV

Composer: Ben Ng

Lyricist: Vivien Yung

Arranger: Jezrael Lucero/Chung Brothers

Electric Guitar: Peter Ng

Harmonica: Henry Chung

Organ: Bob Mocarsky

Piano: Jezrael Lucero

Upright Bass: Sylvain Gagnon

Drums: Anthony Fernandes

Gospel Choir: Howard McCrary, Larry Hammond, Jennifer Palor, Ela A. Alegre, Michelle Carrillo, Ginger Kwan

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Gospel Hit MV of the month!

將心給我 - 陳芳榮 曾路得 鍾氏兄弟 MV

Composer: Ben Ng

Lyricist: Vivien Yung

Arranger: Jezrael Lucero/Chung Brothers

Electric Guitar: Peter Ng

Harmonica: Henry Chung

Organ: Bob Mocarsky

Piano: Jezrael Lucero

Upright Bass: Sylvain Gagnon

Drums: Anthony Fernandes

Gospel Choir: Howard McCrary, Larry Hammond, Jennifer Palor, Ela A. Alegre, Michelle Carrillo, Ginger Kwan

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Henry Chung Music Production Credits

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Henry Chung Music Production Credits


Live at Blues Alley - Clarence Turner Quintet

監製、口琴 (所有歌曲)


MEM專輯 - 群星

作曲、填詞 《愛的經典》

感謝每天 II 詩民歌集勵志篇 - 群星

作曲、填詞 《愛的經典》


Over the Rainbow - at17

口琴 《那年十七歲》

King of the Road - 黃耀明

口琴 《廣深公路》

盧冠廷 2050 演唱會 - 盧冠廷

口琴 《天鳥》、《Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door》


Love Hope 希望.愛 - 劉德華Read more

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Henry Chung Music Production Credits


Live at Blues Alley - Clarence Turner Quintet

監製、口琴 (所有歌曲)


MEM專輯 - 群星

作曲、填詞 《愛的經典》

感謝每天 II 詩民歌集勵志篇 - 群星

作曲、填詞 《愛的經典》


Over the Rainbow - at17

口琴 《那年十七歲》

King of the Road - 黃耀明

口琴 《廣深公路》

盧冠廷 2050 演唱會 - 盧冠廷

口琴 《天鳥》、《Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door》


Love Hope 希望.愛 - 劉德華Read more

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I've learned to depend upon His words!!

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I've learned to depend upon His words!!

Sometimes when a song hits you, it hits you! There's no rhyme or reason about it. I've had some reflections lately about humanity and religion and existence. It's very Woody Allen-esque indeed. I've come to realize there are still people out there who misunderstand Christians and Christianity. And there are Christians amongst the Christian circle who miss the point about Christianity. And there's a simple answer to all this - we're all human, and we don't know it all.

Some people...Read more

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I've learned to depend upon His words!!

Sometimes when a song hits you, it hits you! There's no rhyme or reason about it. I've had some reflections lately about humanity and religion and existence. It's very Woody Allen-esque indeed. I've come to realize there are still people out there who misunderstand Christians and Christianity. And there are Christians amongst the Christian circle who miss the point about Christianity. And there's a simple answer to all this - we're all human, and we don't know it all.

Some people...Read more

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
August 8, 2007