Hard Pack
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will start recording again.~!!!

hey everybody...sorry for taking so much time to update our blog.

its because we are too busy in being lazy.......

anyway we will start to record our last part of our first ablum in mid june.

so plz plz plz.......be patience.

ok~lets take a look at the 2 punk rock baby in my home.

they r really cute.

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接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares


YO DON!!!!

HAPPY BERFDAY MOFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

kb when will u back????

hey kb when r u coming back to jam with us????


接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares


Hello Friends,

Thanks to everyone last night for coming to watch an awesome show.  We weren't wrong when we told you it would be fun. 

Many thanks to the godfather Paul Wong for giving us this opportunity, our bro bands Qui Hong, 24 Herbs, Audiotraffic for all the love, all the other bands we played with last night, alivenotdead.com and Double Park.

Special thanks goes out to Ming our bro that helped us out on drums last night, this dude is the hardest working drummer on earth.  R...Read more

接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares

"Yep finally its gonna happen"

KK,seth and me went into tvb for some interview lastnite and its was just promotional stuff for Lets fight thing...Whilst Glenn was jammin with ming getting him ready to play for me cus off my absence......KK,seth and i were stalkin in the van whilst leavin tvb abt writing more new songs in the upcoming after finishing the lets fight gigs,And i believe with our hearts to this band,its gonna happen cus it is abt time for us to get back into song writing and this time we believe we r gonna be writing more straightforwar...Read more

接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

Let's Fight Part 2

    Hello there boys and Girls

  Thank you so much to my bandmates in Hardpack for helping us promote my bands teeny weeny gig last night.  The turn out was good all things considered.

I'm gonna take this opportunity  to shamelessly plug my band "SHEPHERDS THE WEAK"

WE are also a struggling local hk band, a bit on the heavy side but just as full of passion.   If heavy music is your cup of tea, please do not be afraid to visit us at

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接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

"Lets fight"

Woohhh....What month it has been for hardpack,so much going on like promotions for the lets fight gig...shooting our virgin mv again thax to T,Jase,kit,kim and alivenotdead.com....Everyone in the band has been so busy with stuff which is good cus it keeps us in high spirits..Phat is busy rehearsin with hardpack and the 24 herbs,seth is busy rehearsin with josie,ryan and hardpack,kk is busy at his new job,Glenn is busy with his job and the mighty mighty shepherds the weak...By da way shepherds the weak will be playin in wanchai at the w...Read more

接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

Looking back

Thanks to everyone that checked out and commented on our new music video, none of this is possible without the help of our dear friends from alivenotdead.com and of course the punks out there who have supported us all these years.  This is my second year in Hardpack, and oh my god what a ride it has been.  You know what it's like when you're about to hit a loop in a roller coaster ride? More excited than scared right? As though someone's tickling the gap between your ass and your balls?? The amazing sensation is kinda like that in Ha...Read more

接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

Top 10 Songs of the Week

Updating this thing is fun man, more fun than updating our own website. hehe!!

TOP 10  (I shouldn't call it Top 10, they are all equally good)

That Qui Hong song that goes "ROOOAAAAAAAARRRR!!!!" :-) Love you dudes

That Audiotraffic song that goes "OOOOOH BABY"

That 24 Herbs song where they go "YO YO YO"

The Hardpack song where we go "OI OI OI"

Buddhistson "Dark Forest"

Walls of Jericho "A Trigger Full of Promises"<...Read more

接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  12 评论s  0 shares


Finally, our first music video is finally out.!!! WOOHOOOO YEAH !!!!

Check it out boys and girls, we hope you enjoy watching it because we definitely had fun filming it.  BEST SUNDAY EVER!!

Thanks to Jason Tobin and ALIVE/ alivenotdead.com for the video.



After you've checked out our video, don't forget to drop by our friends from Audiotraffic, Qui Hong and 24 Herbs to check out theirs.  Specially AT's vid, those girls are mad athletic :-).......THEY don't suck.


<...Read more
接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares


Love canto-pop Love canto-punk


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
April 10, 2007