Happy national day! #singapore #singapura #proud #nationalpride
・・・ 立正,现在由@ha…… https://t.co/5ZPyiWBNU5
The only good thing happened was knowing him. #我們當菩薩了 #普渡眾生
・・・ 6月19日錄影,我們不是當魔王…… https://t.co/nMZgNdbdS1
Training can be fun!
我的金剛棒!#越粗越好? ??#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme #加我ig @lawrencetrifitness @kennysir @m1sportshk #trifitness #trifitnesshk…… https://t.co/cCO5N8nuBM
我把我肥美嘅pet pet放上嚟鼓勵我自己。#我好醜 我要減磅!我要更健康!#仁仁都減倒
??#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme #加我ig
多謝 kennysir_… https://t.co/iCDPCQMZBF
@mokhoihim see u at my concert on 25th ??#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme #加我ig https://t.co/N5ZGNAmplc https://t.co/8AFZ6GIN57
mokhoihim see u at my concert on 25th ??#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme #加我ig https://t.co/DbFxqFGJv4
??#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme #加我ig
awarding winning actor and musician