唔洗排隊嘅方法?睇醫生#暗黑料理 今晚9:30pm #美女廚房 #tvb 翡翠台 @TheOfficial2XU @2xuhongkong #2xu ?#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme #tagsforlikes https://t.co/YbbzEjiStO
今晚#美女廚房 嘅#暗黑料理 一定要睇!究竟邊個係#地獄廚神 ?? Catch me #Tonight on #tvb #jade 9:30pm ?#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme #tagsforlikes… https://t.co/my3OAaGS4x
試吓呢個動作練腹肌??睇下有無用 Wonder if this helps train stomach muscles ? learnt from #youtube ?#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme… https://t.co/24jlm2YtpC
This slogan is too funny! ?#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme #tagsforlikes
玩大咗?#硬撼靚佬湯 My movie poster right next to #tomcruise ?#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme #tagsforlikes https://t.co/jpsFhpPihZ
我係陳奐仁個妹☺️ This is my sister? ?#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme #tagsforlikes https://t.co/KEM3AXTJwz
10年無見?你估唔倒我同佢係friend哩? eddiepang #hanjinbff lukhoo 你入鏡了? Wedding is the best place to catch up with old friends ?… https://t.co/q9sxTLHZek
低能 Can’t stop laughing ?#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme #tagsforlike https://t.co/UHZjtBOKgx
我得你都得?? #人人有希望
?#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme #tagsforlikes
awarding winning actor and musician