眼前一亮,心血,男人最痛, 你的男人
年少放縱 時常有借口 太多嗜好與太多損友 得七歲智慧胡亂闖未曾善後 歲月似神偷 你以雙倍耐性維持愛的寬厚 眼看你諒解的眼光 柔和但使我更內疚
我盡力學習成為男人 有了你我會做事認真 珍惜一個人 終於改變一個人 愛情令缺點有了知音 你就是動力成全人生 無論充裕或苦困 毫無異心 虔誠為你爭取滿分 我專心替你一世護蔭
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地址同更多可以上 http://www.chanhailey.blogspot.hk/
恭喜 @gregorywong 續約 @china_3d ,睇到你成立自己既製作公司特別替你高興 ,proud of you my friend ! ?????? Thank you my sponsor @breadnbutteroffical #haileyc #emcee #breadnbutter #mc #work #greg #男神
Happy birthday Edgar !!!!! Wish u all the best this year and have fun today ! Repost from @edgarsung Wishing a happy birthday to @haileyc and an amazing night for you incredibly energetic party people. I know I had one hell of a blast. Thank you for being an awesome bunch and being there. The night would have been incomplete without any of you.
Thank you @wwfcharlie @chrissienana for the cake and present and happy birthday to @jeanaho too ? #happy #birthday #birthdaycake #haileyc #vasco #finedinning #hailey好味推介 #hailey好食推介