Pre xmas party at the French window !!! Crabtree & Evelyn pre xmas launch ! So much fun today !
去旅行最好就係有個好嘅攝影師 ? thank you dear @meimei.tsang ???
呢度超有feel ❤️想去好耐一直都無去到 可以係度hea足全日,淨係影相都有排影!
詳細介紹tea set同點樣去 就要去我個blog la ~
好鬼得意 Macaroon 無乜特別主要係影相用 中間嘅雪糕我揀咗bubble gum 味 揀呢個味都係因為佢嘅顏色好靚? 開頭食好似怪怪地,不過食落 越食越好味,配料我揀咗類似粟米片 嘅脆脆,個雪糕本身中間仲有棉花糖 所以食落好有口感!
#followhailey #hailey好食推介 #hailey好味推介 #bangkok2016 #bangkok #hailey又食嘢
Breakfast at the new shopping mall In Bangkok and the view is stunning !!!
Black waffle with 5 scone ice cream woo hoo!!!!
既然都打風, 不如上Viu tv apps 重溫返我哋 個節目啦!begin again 異鄉再出道 最新個集有我份唱歌???? 好唔好聽就.......... 見人見智la ......