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Guy Orlebar
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Sharing a Filmmaking Tip blog post: “Iron Man is the new Transformer” - Reaching out to key artists

In this blog I’m sharing, I suggest ways to find a suitable artist for your movie project, illustrated with examples from my own engagement with our very own Hong Kong resident comic superstar Pat Lee - hope it’s of help!


about 10 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Sharing a Screenwriting Tips for Filmmakers blog post: “Aliens Sequel?” - Practice writing fan-fiction screenplays

Here’s something I posted last month on my blog which gives advise on doing fan-fiction to improve your writing skills and profile. This post was originally triggered by director Neill Blomkamp sharing some interesting concept art on his instagram account - interestingly, this past week the blogosphere has been buzzing with the revelation that Neill’s proposed Alien sequel will happen after all - great news for fans of Alien and Aliens!

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about 10 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Sharing a Tips for Filmmakers blog post: "Dream big!" - Weta, the indie filmmaker's friend

Wow. So has it really been 4 years since I last posted on Alive Not Dead? (Time certainly seems to fly when bringing up new little ones into the world.)

Anyway, just to share with everyone that I've recently started a blog on filmmaking tips for fellow indie filmmakers which others on Alive Not Dead might find of interest. The first blog posting ( Read more

about 10 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Ray Park and Eriko Sato to Star Amongst the Stars in China’s New 3D Sci-Fi Epic




CANNES – 20 May 2010 – Fans of Asia-influenced sci-fi action films will be delighted to hear the key cast line-up of China's first ever international 3D sci-fi epic co-production, as announced by its producers today. Hollywood action star RAY PARK and Japanese actress/model ERIKO SATO佐藤江梨子will be joining China starlet LISA CHENG LAI SHOU鄭麗莎in the three leading roles of the new 3D FUTURE FIGHTERS movie

whic...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


British-born Guy Orlebar is an award-winning indie movie director who is founder and CEO of Agog Films Productions in Hong Kong. With numerous projects at vario

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
January 12, 2009