郭大俠回港後一直馬不停蹄工作、又作歌、編曲、又幫歌手錄歌做監製、嚟緊又要拍戲....仲要照顧小狗.變咗鐵人?? 小女子煮吓飯煲吓湯、夏桑菊、五花茶...作為報答恩人??? #不過之後幾日 #佢要自己照顧自己 #因為我去玩lu #??? #bye #ironman #好丈夫 #辛苦你 @eric.kwok
Yeah ? 有新野試 !個樽好靚呀??!試左幾好用喎?皮膚好滑哦?
Thank you #VUXEHK
・・・ We just found this stray huskie girl along repulse bay road, with green collar, believed to be lost not too long ago. Please kindly help pass this on if possible. Now waiting for spca to come and scan chip, hopefully can find her owner that way.
Update: . 1.The huskie girl is now at SPCA center in Wanchai, awaiting her chip to be scanned. . 2. By the looks of her current condition, she is healthy, not likely abandoned, but rather lost in a walk in the past few days. . 3. We tried to bring her with us first, yet we have our dog...Read more