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Caribbean Living & The Extinction of the Seeded Watermelon

Yes, it is true that the original seeded watermelon is becoming extinct very fast. Even places that you can find seeds have hybrized flaws. The valuation of a seeded watermelon is set to skyrocket by 10-20 fold with current valuation already at $10-12 USD for a single watermelon REGARDLESS of weight. These original seeds are not terminator seeds ( Genetic Use Restriction Technology) . Most consumers will never understand or hear about SUICIDE SEED technology and prevention of unauthorized seed saving. This is a very complex issue but it concerns you and will concern everyone very shortly.

And if you've never tasted "the original seeded watermelons", you're in for a surprise. It tastes substantially more satisfying and is "an experience" beyond your typical terminator seeds or seedless kinds.

Should this right be restricted because there is a greedy farmer looking to sabotage the corporations?

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
Photo 290347
During this time, my review and report on (Caribbean Island) living continues and I'll keep everyone posted. (Flagday is right) There is definitely salt in the air. This is what invigorates the body to heal and allows our lungs to breathe deeply (for people living in the city -if you breathe deeply in levels of high pollution, it is very damaging). About the laptop and computers, as long as you don't trek sand and salt water into the house, the computers will be fine. On the other hand, the vehicles are a different story! Most everyone buys their cars online from Japan. Vehicle import is actually a thriving line of business. I'll include it in my next post.
almost 16 years ago
Photo 290347
Hi Flagday, you are absolutely right. Jackie Chan would be very interested in a project like this. In meeting people in film they are shocked that these things are happening. I usually respond, if they can create all kinds of special effects on digital, the same thing happening with food. If people don't start saying something, it will eventually be illegal or require licensing (where you pay monthly fees) to store seeds. Seed banking is great idea! But too much in-breeding will also affect the crop overtime. Let me know if you need any assistance on conscientous approaches to protecting your seed bank.
almost 16 years ago
Photo 290347
glad you like the watermelon writeup, this kind of quality watermelon is very hard to find!
over 15 years ago


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