.@gregpak @garychou cuz he's in space
I Love it when I see posters of friend's tours- congrats @garychou!!! #fortheladies #stagenames #nicepants #pleaseRT http://t.co/S6HttLnmQk
RT @saintandkings: If you just need to hear the hits, @gohnakamura has you covered http://t.co/yM3FSg5wjf
RT @LolaReels: @manfromrenofilm You know the key to my heart is @gohnakamura music. ;-)
2:49 AM http://t.co/wHpsvtJwmc
@okaythankyou oh, it can. It will. This minute.
Everytime someone attempts "Bohemian Rhapsody" at karaoke, the spirit of Freddie Mercury chuckles... #karaoke #queen #freddiemercury
.@Julie_Kerr awesome!!!
Goodnight http://t.co/N68H05080r
@connielim ?
I had a dream in black and white...