From "Broken Umbrella" Zine circa 2004 by my friends Tony Vadakan & @headphonerecord.
The turntables of @kidkoala
(2/2) #atnight (but without the extra #)
Apologies,typo on that #hashtag from the last 2 tweets should read #TWEETATNIGHTGOHICantsleepandhaveaQuestionthathasbeenkeepingmeawake (1/2)
(2/2) been keepingmeawakeatnight
If you have a question/topic you'd like to discuss, please tweet me with the hashtag #TWEETATNIGHTBroICansleepandhaveaquestionthathas (1/2)
Okay, thus concludes episode 1 of #NIGHTTWEETS. Amazingly I didn't lose any followers, but that is why I #TWEETATNIGHT
BREAKInG: I didn't coin the term #hashphrase.
I had a dream in black and white...