@njimenez100 @RottenTomatoes @thedaveboyle @ayakofujitani @myemyes @ManFromRenoFilm @PacArtsMovement what did U think of the foley work
94% on @RottenTomatoes! Congrats @thedaveboyle @ayakofujitani @myemyes Team MFR! http://t.co/kuSwsAntq6
RT @thedaveboyle: They've got the special limited edition poster of @ManFromRenoFilm hanging at @giant_robot @giantroboteric http://t.co/T…
RT @FAAIM: Still many cool rewards left, #jayryan designed poster, @hpmendoza @gohnakamura movie theme/mystery/get weird mixtape #goodweird
Btw @hpmendoza & I be collaborating on an exclusive elusive magical mystweirdious mixtape for http://t.co/78EkDZG9xl http://t.co/EdT9C5ncFA
If you're involved/interested in #AsianAmerican movies/moviemaking please support/follow @FAAIM 30 hours to go! http://t.co/78EkDZoyFN
RT @suboihanglam: I'm playing on March 26th at @BabysAllRight, first #NYC show! #Brooklyn #NewYork. Please help spread the words! http://t.…
.@garychou @suboihanglam YES. Y'all should go Karaoke afterwards. damn jealous.
@jamesfaustDIFF mostly loitering. Hope to cross paths soon, till then, be well!
What up @jamesfaustDIFF hope you're well!
I had a dream in black and white...