LA! Playing tonight at @TheLoveSongBar with @AmyFergusonLove and Christian Williams 8-10pm. I go on around 9:30!
Los Angeles Feb 17!!!
@TrivediKevin Thank you!
RT @theinvisicities: Thanks to everyone who made it out on a school night last night to see us play at @TheLostChurchSF. And thank you to @…
RT @annielin: A reunion of old friends. @gohnakamura with @theinvisiblecities and friends in other bands in the audience at the lost church…
RT @IWMYMfilm: Bye 2018! (Photo by @ericyangfilm)
@hyperphelan @mangiotto Thanks! Same to you!
@hyperphelan @mangiotto Thanks! Glad you dig!
RT @mangiotto: @hyperphelan I do, but I'm kind of a purist, I guess. Saw THE CURE four times between 1986-1992. There's this cat, @gohnakam…
I had a dream in black and white...