為什麼全部穿黑色?因為選錯隊⋯why are they all in black? Simply Bcuz they picked the wrong team ⋯ ##godisgood #faith #gsw #勇士真勇 #此russell非彼russell #game7
Little bear for Baby Riley Bear! Thanks @polarcafetaipei #godisgood #faith #babyshower #rileyblair #playhouse #taipei
What makes u get up in the morning? #godisgood #faith #gym #healthiswealth #keepgoing #family #focus
Happy birthday to the one person who had alway been there for me and believe in me! Wish u all the best! #godisgood #faith#family#lunch #birthday#leblanc#september
Summer time! Feelin that good vibration! #godisgood #faith #good inedible #summertime #倒數計時 #rileyblair