So I've been watching me some Planet Earth. I watched the Ocean Deep episode and now I'm obsessed with the Vampire Squid or as David Attenborough says: The Vampyroteuthis.
I know 24 hour comic day isn't till October 18th, but I couldn't wait. It was a lot harder than I thought- I guess since I started at midnite- right around the 7th or 8th hour I started to black out. Then, I had a can of Red Bull and was ok for a few more hours. A continuous in-take of suga...Read more
This is a tshirt design that I drew for my good friend Mark Ryan.
Here is his supra cool site He came up with the look, art directed it, and then I drew it.
Of course I asked for my usual...Read more
I've been listening a lot to Queens of the Stone Age while drawing
This is page 1 of a blatant spoof of Conan. I guess this would be called a leisure comic- just something I'm gonna do in between bigger projects...
These are too awesome for words. There's a really funny animation in the fan art category at the top too.