excited to continue on with these bad boys... got to start prepping for Christmas soon (like now) hehe. ✨?✨
C U TOMORROW YER. Flab Time: 2015 October 17-18th Location: Shanghai Expo Park (the Flabjacks booth will be near the Jazz Cafe) 时间:2015年10月17-10月18日 地点:上海世博公园 (near Jazz Cafe) 世博大道1700号近长清北路
End of a great cray day with mucho love and thanks to my partner in crime @yumi_chu from @strandsofbliss for joining me in being Flabjacks booth bitches (?) at JZ music festival. One day down. One more to go. Hope to see more friendly faces tomorrow! Flab Time: 2015 October 17-18th Location: Shanghai Expo Park (the Flabjacks booth will be near the Jazz Cafe) 时间:2015年10月17-10月18日 地点:上海世博公园 (near Jazz Cafe) 世博大道1700号近长清北路
professional doodler, with a soft spot for fat happenings + thangs