Evangelist Adom Emmanuel
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by the power of God upon me, l make a decree and declaration over your life in this month.

May you overcome all challenges and may you encounter great Angelic visitations.

I stop any power stopping your breakthrough from today.

you are entering your promise land.

,any demons contending with your destiny, foundation is being destroyed today.


But never forget that "Jesus Christ" second coming is closer,how prepared are you?

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LIFE IS A CHOICE A man is born today, Tomorrow he is dead.

A man lives in a mansion today, Tomorrow he lives underground.

A man drives a car today, Tomorrow an ambulance drives him.

A man reads biology today, Tomorrow a biography is been read of him.

A man eats whatever he wants today, Tomorrow he becomes food for insects.

A man is always early for work today, Tomorrow he is termed late Mr/Mrs.

A man is seen resting in his house today, Tomorrow he is resting in a coffin. And they say "Rest In Peace"!

A...Read more

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Oh Lord Jesus Christ, Any #evilbloodsacrifice speaking against my #foundation, my #destiny, & my #life, be silenced by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth now

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Many of us are running after #money,






job etc.

My dear, all these are good. But I tell you just the real truth. If we can seek first #God_kingdom properly, all the above things will be added unto us freely.

The ONLY ONE best THING YOU NEED IN LIFE IS #JESUSChrist of Nazareth and all your problems will be solved.------by evangelist Adom Emmanuel WhatsApp:+233246262131

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Marriage is not a ring nor wedding clothing.

Marriage is heart,mind and love affairs. You can marry without rings, even without clothing.

Parents, don't let marriage be a problems for our children.

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The three life time lifestyles that shape our LIFE, our DESTINY and our FOUNDATION are: 1. KNOWING THE WILL OF your GOD is the FINEST KNOWLEDGE 2. FINDING THE WILL OF your GOD is the finest DISCOVERY 3. but above all is DOING THE WILL OF your GOD is the FINEST ACHIEVEMENT. EVANGELIST ADOM EMMANUEL YAO.

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The #questionnaire Bible said we are the light and the salt of this world. Why are we not demonstrating the power of #light and vital important of #salt? Can light hide? Can we prepared soup #without_salt? Who IS a #Christians?

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Do We still have agape Christian today? What are some of the signs of a true Christian?

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We visit churches every Sundays & hear preachings, but our character,attitudes, & behaviour don't show we are Christians. Why?

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Please , Just declare a powerful prayers, wishes and decree into my life now and I response AMEN.

May the same prayer, wishes declaration have 100% action on you also. Now am online waiting your for your various responses.

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September 4, 2017