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半夜從台北去台中看流星!在山上滿天都是一閃一閃小星星!365 度~頭轉哪裡都看得到!這是我第一次看到滿天空的星星!我不是在誇張喔!看起來就像圖片一樣!很想和大家分享真正的照片但是相機拍不到!真的需要自己來體驗一下,親眼看見! 而且也終於看到流星雨了!而且看到好多好多流星!真的非常夢幻!天氣在山上8度~但還是和朋友們躺在大車場望著天空興奮的對每一顆流星大尖叫??而且我們也看到北斗七星,北極星,大熊星座和小熊星座~ ❤❤❤? #meteorrain #taichung #taiwan #流星雨
Wishing all my friends and family in Singapore and Taiwan a Happy New Year! 2016???2017! Let's go! I am having a little headache but I am still going to countdown ?! 新年快樂!About 2 more hours to go!
Play videoDo not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.