Goodbye Guilin! Really enjoyed our trip, even KFG! #chinahsr #highspeedrail #guilinnorthstation #桂林北站 #高鐵 #中國高鐵 #? #和諧號 #CRH3 #和谐号
Hey guys, please help me invite your friends to our upcoming Halloween Party. We are really excited about the new venue. It should be pretty cool, with multiple DJs spread across this historic venue. We have a really good line up of talent, including headliners m-flo coming from Japan!
Let me know if you can make it and I'll add you to the guestlist of course.
I couldn't resist... #armenianchurchsingapore #armenianchurch #pokemongo #pokestop #pokemongoarmenia #pokemongosingapore #chinahay #chinahye
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